Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a "Secure" election?

2. Where does the name SIV come from? How is it pronounced?

3. How does SIV ensure One Vote per Person?

4. How does SIV ensure Vote Privacy?

5. How does SIV ensure election results are Verifiable?

6. How can voters be confident in election results?

7. Does SIV permit vote recounts?

8. How does SIV protect elections from being hacked?

9. What if voters’ devices are compromised?

10. How can SIV address election irregularities?

11. Aren’t computers inherently less secure than paper?

12. How does SIV comply with existing certified tallying equipment?

13. Does the law allow SIV to be used right now?

14. What is the difference between Secure Internet Voting & other internet voting options?

15. Why isn’t internet voting already widespread?

16. How does Secure Internet Voting improve upon paper voting?

17. Does SIV support multiple languages?

18. Does SIV support voters with disabilities?

19. Can SIV be used alongside paper methods?

20. Does SIV support other voting methods, like Approval Voting?

21. What additional hardware does SIV require?

22. Do voters need to install anything to use SIV?

23. Does SIV use blockchain technologies?

24. What research is Secure Internet Voting built upon?

25. How long does it take to run a SIV election?

26. How long does it take for voters to participate in a SIV election?

27. How does SIV impact governments’ budgets?

28. How does SIV protect voters in hostile or insecure network environments?

29. Can my group use SIV for our private election?

30. How does SIV help election administrators with public records requests?

31. What are Privacy Protectors?

32. How should Privacy Protectors be picked?

33. How does SIV impact Risk Limiting Audits?

34. What if voters are subject to phishing attacks?